Tuesday, August 6, 2013

My children were illegally kidnapped by Boston/Lawrence DCF

   I just received a notice from Dept of children and families that my children were going up for adoption. The children were taken from their mother Rita Sager the night before she and the children were to return to Florida, they had tickets the next morning.  Elaine Diserio obtained a 51A because Ms. Sagers unknown cousin reported a false report to DCF. The judge asked "are there any filing in any other state that would supersede any ruling I would make. Ms. Diserio lied to the Judge saying "No there is not" knowing full well custody was previously filed in the state of Florida for the children to be in the fathers custody here. 

There is 18 months worth of pediatric psychiatrist visits that were steady once to twice a month right up until the day the kids left for the MA. vacation. This fact has been hidden because the new social workers Habte ketema and Kim D'errico do not want it known that the older child Samantha Nuzzo had been under psychiatric care for ADD. It is a fact that a psychiatrist is well above expertise of any "DCF trauma counselor"  Obviously had there been any reason to suspect abuse of any kind the psychiatrist would hgave known about it and reported it to DCF which was not done because there was no abuse.

My mother Nancy Nuzzo Ray has been asking for custody of my children since this tradgedy occured in MA. Ms. Diserio told her "we do not like Florida DCF and that is why we will not transfer the case to Florida"  My daughter told her mother on one of the visitations she had with her in MA. that she had to te 

ll the trauma counselor what they told her to say. My daughter asked if Lavinia Wergen (the person who filed the false DCF report and the same person DCF placed my children with) would know what she said to the trauma counselor and the counselor said "yes" so Samantha was unable to tell her she was being forced to lie. Samantha also told her mother and the counselor that she is always hungry because Ms. Wergen will not give her enough food to eat. My daughter told the counselor that Ms. Wergens live in boyfriend is always yelling and she is afraid of him. Please get in touch with Lawrence DCF 280 Mernmack St. Lawrence Ma. 01843 phone 978-557-2500 and have my children returned to Florida immediately. Christopher Nuzzo 2811 South Pines Dr. #18 Largo, Fl. 33771 727-768-7203

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