Monday, August 5, 2013

Former DCF supervisor files lawsuit against agency - Topix

Former DCF supervisor files lawsuit against agency - Topix

Local News: Seminole, FL 
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dcf doesnt care what you say its what they want no matter they get whgat they want theyr dont get a rats butt if your innocent or guilty they will do what they have to to win even if they make you do dumb things they dont care they are god they need to be stopped solange prado needs to loose her job along with joy whitney and many others in st lucie county i dont give a rats butt about you all you are thedevild spawns or the devil himself all of you need to loose your job
The best thing to do if they come to your house is record all the conversations by video or voice recorder. You do not have to let them into your house without a warrant. If you do not have a recoder tell them to come back in an hour and get as many reliabe witnesses as you can to be there with you.

Write a letter to your childrens school and tell them you absolutely do not want these people to talk to your chlildren wihout legal represention for them. CPI WILL interogate minors alone and will try to implant and lead them with false testimony, then they PREVENT your children from testifying in "court" to tell how the CPI told them what to say
United States
Dcf even take parents children away from false51areports and supporting it they got jobs and money,and to make them selves look good,and meanwhile these are kids in Foster homes in dcf custody that are being sexualmolested teens having sex,and Abu bse I know I've done the reasearch the currupton of dcf and laws got t change and the law should require to throw away old reports that were already said and heard in court but dcf keep using them on parents because if they didn't these is no t enough evidence to keep the kids and custody,dcf hurt the parents,and the children and children suffer everyday waiting to go home to these parents,but juevinal judges make dcf a head of them,but I thought the judge was so why do we need to go to court if the judge is gonna let dcf make the desicion,now I am speaking because it is wrong but dcf just gohome to these faimlys and husbands homes and a car to get these,but they make the real parent be homeless and take everything away doing evverything they can to make themselveslookhood and the good parents.bad it is wrong and the government has do do sumetbing they make the real parents the good loveing parents that don't need dcf,loose everything and dcf get it all,they go home to these faimlys and got money,and take away from the real parents thatneed itsumeoneshouldtalktothegoverm entandfixtheproblemleavingcomm entsandnotfixingitwillnothelpg otothego verment and make the dcf curruption stop all over mass,Lynn ma, Salem mboston ma, its got to stop peaple are talking about it but doing nothing about it why because dcf went to collage,be cause they got a degree but guess what they are not perfect and no better then us. If dcf leaves me alone ill get a college degree I can get these job and do better then them but I work on the out side and no licence so they think these better the one thing about me is I love reasearcj I love investingetting helping homeless having a loving good person. I can do more then dcf can I am not just untreated in one thing in my life I am into so maney things and dcf is about hurting faimlys Mandingo children and parents suffer over long periods of time waiting to. Come homeit is wrong look at calif,this time dcf targeted the wrong person and enough is enough,and I did reasearch on California dcf children were being molested and Newton in Foster homes while in dcf custody,it is wrong nd these are so Mandy parents that are good parents that have lost these children do to dcf supplying false 51areports and Mandingo themselves look good I'd like dcf walk andnot use these car and loose thwart kids they would struggles just like us parents I'd like them to do it all whither nothing at all I garentee you they can't they can't even drive the kids back to the Foster homes,they take are kids and the money andcpay for other workers from other city's to do it,of like to see the Foster mothers deceit on what they spend the kids money on when they got enough money,but dcf wont provide us whither recites because they got sumething to hide and these not directly spending it in the kids over26,000 wear is that money thanx dcf foe makeing more money, now its my turn
United States
Dcf curruotion has to stop talk to Obama talk to the goverment
United States
These leaving parents homeless,and making parents start over whither nothing,but dcf got money,these is no section8and no housing availible,dcf need to give the kids back and stop taking and stealing money of the parents kids dcf are wrong
xtina marie
My family has been been put through the ringer with DCF. The case worker just came to the house where my kids are (grandma) and told her (WE - mom and dad) are losing our visitation rights after we have done nothing but comply. We are in Sarasota Fl. If anyone is around my area please contact me at We are hiring a paid attorney instead of using the state attorneys they gave us that are a JOKE!!!! No one is on our side all the attorneys case workers thearpist ect. are in cahoots with one another ... there is no justice for us. SOMETHING NEEDS TO HAPPEN AND IT NEEDS TO HAPPEN NOW! I have no time to keep laying down and letting these people keep bullying us, walking all over us and lie to us. PLEASE HELP US IF YOU HAVE ANY ADVISE thank you xtina
DCF in Worcester MA has my 13 year old grandchild in Foster care when he should be here in my house. I desperately want him, am "squeeky clean" and fully qualified to raise him.They lie, stonewall, cut of access, and I'd love to sue their ass off, but, lawyers say it will not come out well as they have too much power, the courts simply agree with them and every social worker I've spoken with would put Napoleon to shame. It's like a 3rd world regime. The lawyer says, be polite, tell them how great they are and be very, very patient. I used to respect authority, after this experience-not so much!
I have been told that if you can prove the DCF broke their own laws, that they can be successfully sued. I have proof that they broke thier own rules. Does anyone know of any cases where they have been sued and won? Are there any lawyers out there that will help?
suzido wrote:
I have been told that if you can prove the DCF broke their own laws, that they can be successfully sued. I have proof that they broke thier own rules. Does anyone know of any cases where they have been sued and won? Are there any lawyers out there that will help?
The cases that usually make it to trial are from people that were abused as kids by DCF and are now adults or cases that a child dies under the care of DCF. You can take them to court, if you have a ton of money for a lawyer, as most lawyers will NOT take on these cases for fear of retaliation. These are powerfull people to fight (DCF) and there is a lot of high end coverup.

DCF tries to use the immunity law, but that is only if they do not break the law. Typically they lie under oath, perjure themselves, use coercion, fail to follow due process etc. Basically no one cares because it is a corrupt "business" and most of us never dreamed this DCF abuse is or could really happening.

I have a clear cut well documented case, but got beat down financially and had to quit. There are also time limitations for suing.
Check out Mass outrage in Mass. for references
all i want too is the right thing i want the people out in the medi ou in dcf and Uff to believe what i say when solangeprado caeout number 1 she left me cring each and evertinme she came out there 2she threatened me eac and evrytime she came out 3 she would call my son on the phone ach and everytime she came out there to get him suspended from school 4 she called my husband a pedophile straight out in court and told everyone he was taking advantage of me when we were married already she called him my paramore 5 she has no coth or brains she thinks she is god i want everyone to know rthere are bad social workers out there and they will do what it takes to win that child over the system is broken dcf. uff and many other use our children to turn them over to people who cannot have children to mame their quota and will take pay offs when handed money from the person who made the complsint to get their way they will go out of there way to help someone who gives them money for bribs as my parents did with solange prado and how i know this solange they have done it before with my ex husband they paid him off 500.00 dollars to leave and walk out of my life
graham i have proff the wrote up fal papers stating I never wanted to see my mother nor my child again they tryed to get it to pass in court i never agreed to this never and i hope all of them rot in hell all the workers involved since all of this has happen i also lost my thyroidf due to the fact they were making me take pills that were actuallyy killing me serquel and depakoter which is buprion which in tailed you cant use these product if you have a throid problem yes you heard me its your fault workers i had to have it removed thank for all the crap youve done to me you peices of crap now im on thyroid pills the rest of my life thanks for all you good work you dumb butts hope you take course to learn right from wrong
well since this case ive had a thyroidectomy done b/c of the pills dcf and UFF were shoving down my throst and almost killed me I now have to take thyroid pills the rest of my life to keep my levels up you pieces of crap solange prado you dork imbusali hope you take classes to learn f=right ffrom wrong i hope you lost your job i wrote yo every senator and governor from all over the US and the president and told him of the papers you had written up stating I never wanted to see my daughter or my mom again hmmmm i never agreed to that never and never will i hope this case comes back to haunt you I dont know how you sleep at night
Jordana Hergott
Florida DCF Took my nieces from my sister and are making in impossible to have them placed with family. I have a petition summarizing my story, PLEASE READ, SIGN AND SHARE WITH YOUR CONNECTIONS IF YOU AGREE!!!! Time is limited before her adoption will be determined.... Thank you in advance.....
I have a situation...i have been looking for a lawyer to help me protect my family from dcf's harpooning.. Let me explain my problem. About 2 days ago my 11 yr old daughter accused a teacher of inapprioate touching her. By policy school called the police, school board, and dcf. I have nothing wrong with this action. My problem is dcf pulled me aside and explained to me how now since my family is involved with dcf.. they have to {by policy}come to my home for a walk through, and speak to my other children to find out if they are safe in my home. WTH! I feel like this is wrong.. my daughter is a vitim and yet they want to investigate my family and parenting??? What does speaking with my 7 yr old that goes to a completely different school have anything to do with the fact that my other child was touched inapropatly by a teacher!!!! she is the vitim and now they are treating me like im a bad parent for having my daughter in public school with this teacher!!! some one please help us!! i live in osceola county any information please email me at (thats and underscore after the number 4).. forgive the spelling as i do not have spell check on my work computer.
Human Civil Rights are been taken away as fast as politicians can take them. I would have never believed myself taCPI can come to your house, without anything more than an anonymous phone call ad take your kids.If you dont believe it read some of the other websites.

Who pays teachers? who pays CPI and DCF? think the DCF doesn't put HUGE pressure on schools to make up stories or report even the most minor "concern".

The Gov wants teachers to monitor Facebook to "watch" your kids. what did Hitler do? he kidnapped kids and made them state property.

These posts are pretty old. Are any of you out there still fighting the DCF / CPS? I think we need to join together nationally to fight these SS tyrants. They need to be totally defunded and dismantled. They've been tearing families apart for too many years. They've had their chance, but have used it destroy people's lives instead of saving the kids that really needed their help. 

Enough is enough! Don't stand for anything less than completely shutting them down. Even put the abusive "civil criminals" in prison, if possible. You know they deserve it. Probably more so than half the people already in prison these days. Otherwise, there is no justice for all the kids and parents they tortured for years. Or should we let God worry about their punishment? 

These people are like war criminals in the Socialist war against the family. Let's put them on trial and give a voice to all their victims. Let's hear all their stories of how they were officially abused by the criminals running the CPS and the courts, for  months and months, years and years. Let the children tell their stories of how they were torn from their parents' arms by ruthless liars, and forced to live with strangers, who would continue fabricating prejudice against innocent parents. We'll video tape the whole thing for posterity, so no one can deny what really happened. 

This is big! But it's still too much if a secret because of all the powerful elite getting rich off all that money flowing through the CPS Industrial Complex (CPSIC).

Let me hear from you. Fight for what's right. Fight for your kids! Never give up!
NanaBananna wrote:
DCF in Worcester MA has my 13 year old grandchild in Foster care when he should be here in my house. I desperately want him, am "squeeky clean" and fully qualified to raise him.They lie, stonewall, cut of access, and I'd love to sue their ass off, but, lawyers say it will not come out well as they have too much power, the courts simply agree with them and every social worker I've spoken with would put Napoleon to shame. It's like a 3rd world regime. The lawyer says, be polite, tell them how great they are and be very, very patient. I used to respect authority, after this experience-not so much!
I'm sorry you are being victimized by the DCF. They are unbelievably abusive and corrupt. We need to band together. I'm in the Boston area too. We should get the thousands of victims together and fight with everything we've got to free the innocent children and stop the widespread abuse of parents and children by DCF career criminals. Socialism is at its' core, and it will destroy the country if we let it.
Giovanni wrote:
<quoted text>
I'm sorry you are being victimized by the DCF. They are unbelievably abusive and corrupt. We need to band together. I'm in the Boston area too. We should get the thousands of victims together and fight with everything we've got to free the innocent children and stop the widespread abuse of parents and children by DCF career criminals. Socialism is at its' core, and it will destroy the country if we let it.
Mass Outrage and Legally Kidnapped are two good internet resources for info. You are correct about the corruption after all the problems I had, the only conclusion I ended up with is they do it for money and nothing else?

They have no right to come into your house threaten you, write up false reports and TAKE your children, all without "Due Process"
broken hearted
suzido wrote:
I have been told that if you can prove the DCF broke their own laws, that they can be successfully sued. I have proof that they broke thier own rules. Does anyone know of any cases where they have been sued and won? Are there any lawyers out there that will help?
I found 1 case here in Florida that was a class action suit,the families won the case,but the lawyer has disappeared... I cannot find him anywhere. I have so much evidence against dcf/cpc/gal everybody it's crazy. Every lawyer I have spoken too just says that the state has unlimited funds to fight and they will until the parents can't afford to go on and have to drop the suit. If you are able to find any attorney willing to take a case please contact me I'm sure we can find enough ppl who have been unlawfully hurt to file a class action.
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    Best Regards
