Thursday, May 2, 2013

The case number is- CP1280285 the children's names are Samantha, & Alex Nuzzo. The father legally applied for custody in the state of Florida before Boston DCF snatched them from the mother who was there temporarily visiting a relative ...-  A false acussation was made to the Boston DCF, out of spite by  a relative of an x girlfriend with a drug problem , which the DCF themselves, had PROVEN IT A LIE !.. ( they called it "unfounded", even though they knew it was a false accusation, the Boston DCF still refused to let our children be with their own family, no matter how many times the children continued to ask for their daddy, they insisted on keeping them with strangers, they also wouldn’t hear of even the children's own grandmother, or great aunt having them, because they said "they didn't like Florida DCF system" so instead they chose to traumatize the children by keeping them with strangers, even though they allready knew, the accusation made, was an out & out LIE !! This was deliberate, unnecessary emotional abuse of our children. The father was standing in the courtroom, after flying across the country to be there, with documented proof that the allegations were false, yet the hearing was cancelled 5 minutes before it was scheduled to start, this was deliberately done in an unethical way!!,& also financial abuse of the father, (airfare, motel, car rental etc. When i corresponded with the woman that "cancelled it” a woman named Jennifer Murphy & imformed her that this was unprofessional, & abusive toward the father's rights, that she knew he had to fly accross the country to be there, with a lawyer, & all the expenses incurred, she chuckled, while disagreeing with me. there was NO ONE at all, that would ever even attempt to hear the father's side of things!, he had to fly back & forth several times, but just received "the run-around, each time, untill they finally financially drained him, & traumatized both the children!, & the father, all on the basis of false fabricated accusations. Calls & letters ,to the DCF & Governor, for months & months , were either "completely ignored", or, they would just "pass the buck" keeping us on a merry go round, to no where. A horrible nightmare of insensitive cruel treatment of our children, who were constantly asking  for their daddy, ( they even tried to distort the fact that the children were asking for their daddy, as something perverted !! only sick twisted accusations, that is all the father received from the spiteful relatives & the DCF. The audacity & ignorant cruelty showed no bounds with these people !! the children were forced to be with strangers,& then a bias against the father relative, who never even met the father, & who was slandering the father right to the children, another fact the DCF chose to ignore as they insisted in keeping the children with this "relative" who enjoyed emotionally traumatizing the children by insulting the character of their father mercilessly right to small children!, which was reprehensible  & irresponsible, of both her,(this relative) & the DCF, having no regard for how traumatizing this was for especially the older sibling who kept trying to defend her own father that she loves, from these tyranical assaults of her father's character !! a seven year old little girl, being emotionally traumatized by these people in such a way, that she started to have problems in school, which she had NEVER had problems in school ever before this ! untill the abduction by the Boston DCF . Little Samantha was allways a very good student with very good grades, when she was with her father, but the Boston DCF would not hear of that fact either, they only relied on the drug addicted mother, & her vindictive bias relative for all of their imformation, co -conspiring to mislead the Boston DCF, & the Boston DCF was very happy to believe every lie, while never giving the father his equal rights as a parent, or even listening to anything he said to defend himself against their vicious lies. The youngest sibling, only 2 at the time, had previously been a happy talkative baby, but after "they" got their hands on him, little Alex, he was sad & quiet, wondering where his daddy is? & why ? absolutely heart wrenchingly cruel & unusual punishment to 2  small children !! They want their daddy, but the Boston DCF, was not interested in the children's feelings at all, only their own agenda, they also ignored the father's requests to arrange visits, so he could fly to Boston to see them, to assure them he is still in their lives, these requests also were ignored, , like everything else the father was trying to tell them.  The grandmother, & the great-aunt (grandmother's sister),all continued asking for children, but were bluntly & continuously refused. I have never heard of such a terrible way to be pre-judged, without a chance to defend yourself, by what was supposed to be an "agency that cares about families?!! Really ?.. I believe the only thing they cared about, was to destroy the father's rights just to keep their “made - up case” in their state. A state I would never recommend anyone to go to, unless they want to take the chance on losing their children just because a vindictive person & or stranger, decides to lie about you for their own personal devious motives. Is this how people are treated in a "free" country !!!??  Has the women's movement gone so far over-board to the extreme, that a father no longer has equal rights as a parent? the Boston DCF needs to be regulated, they surely miss-used their "unregulated" authority in a grievous way, & from other articles I have since read, about their “ agency,” I can not believe, that the Governor in that state is STILL  turning a deaf ear to the outcries of their citizens, & now, even citizens of other states who  have been  relentlessly persecuted & denied their rights as parents.                    
My children were unlawfully taken from their mother, Rita Sager, when she was visiting Lawrence, MA for less than a month. We had a family dispute and seperated for less than a month and then she and I decided to meet up again and work out a custody issue in Florida. She was waiting at a hotel outside the airport for the flight and bus and her cousin filed an emergency dcf order and had the children taken away from her. The cousin made insane and false allegations against me stating that Rita was taking the children to a child molester. The dcf took the children without even attempting to confirm any of the allegations. Now the dcf has my children placed in the home of the cousin that made all the allegations and this person is a stranger to my family and is completely biases towards me. I spoke to the DCF in Florida about the matter and they do not believe it is in the best interest of the children for them to be placed in a home that is involved in the case.
>      During their investigations DCF was finding the allegations to be false, until now, after 5 months and after being placed in the home of the cousin, now they are saying that there are descriptions of a time that I did something to my daughter and they say that it happened when she was 2 years old. They are using that time period because that is the only time that my children's mother was not around because she was in prison and I was the primary caregiver. They found that they could not say it was any other time because I worked 50-60 hours a week and Rita was always around. They are trying their hardest to justify the improper actions they took in taking my children without any kind of proof of any harm. From Chris Nuzzo
From Nancy Ray (childrens grandmother)I am the childrens grandmother and have been asking for the children for 5 months. I am told "we do not like Fl. DCF" that is the reason they gave me for handing my grandchildren over to a spiteful vindictive evil woman named Lavena Wergen who made the entire complaint up. She has never met, spoke to, seen my son ever.  I reported what Rita Sager(the childrens mother) told me when she visited Lavena that her boyfriend and father of her son Lorenzo is living in the house, sleeping in Lavenas bed every night yet Lavena is pretending she is a single mother collecting government welfare money, food stamps and housing. DCF does not care and continues to leave my grandchildren in her care traumatizing them and bad talking their father to them. Mr. Gonnell and Ms. Wergen had been using his deceased mothers food stamp card after her death and DCF was told that many times, they do not care. They continue to try and justify abducting my grandchildren and forcing their mother and the children to stay in MA. instead of coming home to Florida where their residence is. They visited MA. only, Rita the children's mother has lived in Florida 15 years, Samantha was born here and Alex was born in WV where they stayed 2 years for my sons job. They were leaving the motel in the morning to return home to FL when DCF barged in and took my grandchildren from their bed sleeping.  No one belongs in MA. There is 6 people who are real family wanting the children including me. Lavena Wergen has threatened violence against the children's mother because she wanted Rita to live with her and collect welfare and food stamps to give to Ms. Wergen. When Rita refused, Ms. Wergen threatened to punch her in the face and told her she would make her life miserable if she tried to leave, that is why Rita said she went to a motel. Nancy Ray